Meeting Times
General Membership Meeting
The 4th Tuesday of Every Month
7:00 PM
Meetings at VFW Post 9914
3200 N. Duck Lake Rd.
Highland, MI 48356
Executive Committee Meeting
The 3rd Monday of Every Month
6:00 PM
Post 2006 Constitution and ByLaws

Membership Application

General Membership Meetings
American Veteran's, AMVETS Posts are open to all honorable discharged Veterans since 1941, whenever and wherever you served. We welcome peacetime veterans from the Cold War and other Era's that are not eligible for membership in other VSO's.
Please consider stopping by for one of our meetings. We are confident you will enjoy the opportunity to serve the community and fellow veterans again, the camaraderie with your fellow Veterans, and have a great time.
Our meetings start promptly at 7:00 pm and are scheduled to last 1 hour.
Our meetings are limited to one hour, so we strive to keep the business portion of the meeting as short as possible.
The Post provides pizza for our members. There is a bar available for those wishing to purchase beverages during the social hour. The facility has easy access to the meeting room which is welcomed by our Sr. Veterans.
New members receive a new AMVETS Post Cap. A Name tag may be purchased for $5.00. Annual membership dues are $35.00.
Meetings are at VFW Post 9914
3200 N. Duck Lake Rd.
Highland, MI 48356
What to Expect at the Meeting
Expect to be encouraged to become active in support of veterans and community charity causes such as: Honor and Color Guard teams at veteran funerals and veteran-charity events, and Bill Brown's Community Volunteers Team around area communities.

Picture Boards

50/50 Drawing

Social Time

Camaraderie, with Pizza Provided, and Beverages Available